· howto · 5 min read

Moving from WordPress to Astro

Change is an inevitable part of life, and as a blogger, I recently

Embracing a New Journey: Moving from WordPress to Astro

Change is an inevitable part of life, and as a blogger, I recently found myself at a crossroads where I felt the need to explore new possibilities. After years of using WordPress as my go-to platform for kokitree, I have made the decision to embark on a fresh journey by transitioning my beloved blog to Astro.

WordPress (celebrating its 20 years powering most websites on the Internet) is a great platform with a lot of features and flexibility, but I’ve recently decided to move to Astro.

Powered by Astro, this kokitree site lives on Github and (was) delployed to Cloudflare Page. Simply decoupled.

In this blog post, I will share my motivations behind this shift and the reasons why I believe Astro is the right choice for the next chapter of my blogging adventure.

Speed and Performance

One of the primary factors that drove me towards Astro was its exceptional speed and performance. As a blogger, I understand the significance of delivering a seamless browsing experience to my readers.

With Astro’s static site generator and server-side rendering capabilities, my blog’s pages load instantly, ensuring that visitors can quickly access the content they desire without frustrating delays. This improved performance not only enhances user satisfaction but also contributes to better search engine rankings.

You can see the performance report on Google PageSpeed

Simplified Development Workflow

Astro offers a streamlined development workflow that simplifies the process of building and maintaining a blog. Its intuitive and component-based architecture allows for efficient code reuse and modular design, making it easier to create visually appealing and interactive elements.

By leveraging Astro’s built-in optimization features, I can focus on crafting engaging content while ensuring that my blog remains optimized for various devices and browsers.

Enhanced Security

Security is a paramount concern for any website or blog owner. With WordPress, I often found myself spending time and effort managing plugin updates, securing my site from potential vulnerabilities, and dealing with spam comments.

Astro, on the other hand, offers a more secure environment by generating static HTML files and minimizing the attack surface. This reduces the risk of security breaches and alleviates the constant worry associated with maintaining a secure blogging platform.

Astro sites are more secure than WordPress sites. This is because Astro is built on top of Next.js, which is a very secure framework. WordPress, on the other hand, has a long history of security vulnerabilities.

In fact, a recent study found that WordPress is the most hacked CMS in the world.

Improved User Experience

Astro’s emphasis on user experience was a compelling factor in my decision to migrate from WordPress. The platform provides a clean and minimalistic design, allowing me to create a visually appealing blog that prioritizes content consumption.

By eliminating unnecessary bloat and focusing on performance, Astro ensures that readers can fully immerse themselves in the blog without distractions or intrusive elements, resulting in a more enjoyable reading experience.

Astro sites are much faster than WordPress sites. This is because Astro sites are static, which means they’re generated ahead of time and served directly from the browser.

WordPress sites, on the other hand, are dynamic, which means they’re generated on the fly when a user requests a page. This can cause WordPress sites to be slow, especially on high-traffic websites.

Flexibility and Extensibility

Astro offers the flexibility I need to customize my blog to suit my specific requirements. Its modular architecture and support for various front-end frameworks allow me to incorporate additional functionalities and integrate third-party tools seamlessly.

Whether it’s implementing custom design elements, optimizing for SEO, or integrating analytics, Astro empowers me to tailor my blog to my vision and adapt to evolving trends and technologies.

Astro is more developer-friendly than WordPress. Astro is built with modern JavaScript technologies, which makes it easy to customize and extend. WordPress, on the other hand, is a PHP-based platform, which can be more difficult to work with for developers.

Astro vs WordPress

There are a few reasons for this decision. First, Astro is much faster than WordPress. Astro sites are static, which means they’re generated ahead of time and served directly from the browser. This results in much faster load times, which is important for both users and search engines.

Second, Astro is more secure than WordPress. Astro sites are built on top of Next.js, which is a very secure framework. WordPress, on the other hand, has a long history of security vulnerabilities.

Third, Astro is more developer-friendly than WordPress. Astro is built with modern JavaScript technologies, which makes it easy to customize and extend. WordPress, on the other hand, is a PHP-based platform, which can be more difficult to work with for developers.

Overall, I’m very happy with the decision to move kokitree to Astro. It’s a faster, more secure, and more developer-friendly platform that’s perfect for my needs.

If you’re looking for a faster, more secure, and more developer-friendly CMS than WordPress, then I recommend checking out Astro.


The decision to transition from WordPress to Astro for kokitree was driven by a desire to embrace change, improve performance, enhance security, and provide an exceptional user experience. Astro’s speed, simplified development workflow, enhanced security, improved user experience, and flexibility were the key factors that influenced my choice.

I am excited to embark on this new journey, confident that Astro will enable me to take my blog to new heights while continuing to connect with my readers through engaging and valuable content. Join me as we explore the limitless possibilities of this innovative platform!

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