· web builders · 6 min read

The best static site generator

SSG is a tool that takes content and code as input and produces a static website as output

A static site generator (SSG) is a tool that takes content and code as input and produces a static website as output. Static websites are websites that are not generated dynamically on the fly, but are instead delivered to users as pre-built HTML pages. This makes them faster and more secure than dynamic websites, which are generated by a web server each time a user requests a page.

SSGs are typically used for websites that do not require a lot of dynamic content, such as blogs, portfolios, and documentation sites. They are also a good choice for websites that need to be highly secure, such as e-commerce sites and government websites.

SSGs are significantly faster than dynamic websites because they run expensive computations beforehand and compile static files. This can be beneficial for websites that need to load quickly, such as news websites or e-commerce sites. Additionally, SSGs can be used to create more complex websites, such as those with a lot of custom code or interactive features. The article also discusses the current state of SSGs and the different options available to developers.

Which is best for static website?

There are many different SSGs available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most popular SSGs include:


Astro is a new web framework that is designed for speed. It is a static site generator that can be used to create websites that are both fast and SEO-friendly.


Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby. It is one of the most popular SSGs available, and it is easy to use and customize. Jekyll is also very fast, making it a good choice for blogs that need to load quickly.


Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. It is known for its speed and performance. Hugo is also very extensible, with a large number of themes and plugins available.


Hexo is a static site generator written in Node.js. It is very fast and easy to use. Hexo is also very extensible, with a large number of themes and plugins available.


Middleman is a static site generator written in Ruby. It is very flexible and powerful. Middleman is also very easy to use, making it a good choice for beginners.


Grav is a static site generator written in PHP. It is very fast and easy to use. Grav is also very extensible, with a large number of themes and plugins available.

When choosing an SSG, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The type of website you are building
  • The features that are important to you
  • The level of technical expertise you have

SSGs can be a great way to build fast, secure, and reliable websites. If you are looking for a way to improve the performance and security of your website, then an SSG is a good option to consider.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using a static site generator for a blog:


  • Speed: Static websites are typically much faster than dynamic websites, as they do not need to be generated on the fly. This can be a major advantage for blogs, as it can improve the user experience and help to improve search engine rankings.
  • Security: Static websites are also typically more secure than dynamic websites, as they are not vulnerable to certain types of attacks, such as SQL injection. This can be an important consideration for blogs that collect user data, such as email addresses or comments.
  • Simplicity: Static site generators can be very easy to use, even for beginners. This is because they typically use simple markup languages, such as Markdown, to create content.
  • Cost: Static site generators are typically free or very low-cost to use. This can be a major advantage for bloggers on a budget.


  • Dynamic content: Static site generators are not well-suited for websites that require a lot of dynamic content, such as e-commerce sites or social media sites.
  • Updates: Static websites cannot be updated in real time, as they are pre-generated. This means that any changes to content must be made before the website can be updated.
  • Maintenance: Static websites require some level of maintenance, such as updating the software and fixing security vulnerabilities. However, this level of maintenance is typically much lower than that required for dynamic websites.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use a static site generator for a blog depends on the specific needs and preferences of the blogger.

If speed, security, and simplicity are important factors, then a static site generator may be a good option. However, if dynamic content is required, then a dynamic website may be a better choice.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between static and dynamic websites:

FeatureStatic WebsiteDynamic Website
ContentPre-built and does not changeGenerated on the fly and can be updated in real time
SecurityMore secureLess secure
ComplexitySimpler to buildMore complex to build
FlexibilityLess flexibleMore flexible
SuitabilityWell-suited for websites with low dynamic content requirementsWell-suited for websites with high dynamic content requirements

Static site generators (SSGs) are becoming increasingly popular as a way to create websites. There are a number of reasons for this, including:

  • Performance: Static sites are typically much faster than dynamic sites, as they do not require any server-side processing. This is important for both users and search engines.
  • Security: Static sites are less vulnerable to security attacks than dynamic sites. This is because they do not contain any sensitive data, such as user login information.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Static sites are typically much cheaper to host than dynamic sites. This is because they do not require a server to be running 24/7.
  • Ease of use: SSGs make it easy to create and manage static websites. This is because they provide a number of features that make it easy to create and update content, such as templates and markdown.

As a result of these advantages, SSGs are becoming increasingly popular for a wide range of websites, from personal blogs to large corporate websites.

Here are some additional reasons why static site generators are the future:

  • The rise of Jamstack: Jamstack is a modern approach to building websites that uses static site generators, JavaScript, and APIs. Jamstack websites are fast, secure, and scalable, and they are becoming increasingly popular.
  • The increasing popularity of headless CMSs: Headless CMSs are content management systems that do not generate HTML. Instead, they provide APIs that can be used to fetch content from any static site generator. This makes it easy to create and manage static websites, even if you are not a developer.
  • The growing demand for high-performance websites: Users expect websites to load quickly, and search engines rank websites that load quickly higher in search results. Static sites are typically much faster than dynamic sites, making them a good choice for websites that need to load quickly.

Overall, static site generators are a powerful tool that can be used to create high-performance, secure, and cost-effective websites. As the popularity of Jamstack and headless CMSs continues to grow, static site generators are likely to become even more popular in the future.

Also good to read:

State of the Web: Static Site Generators

Top 5 Static Site Generators (and When to Use Them)

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